Welcome to MushNowa.neocites.org

This website is currently being used by me to make, learn and develop my HTML skills and is going to be used like a sandbox until I learn how to do cool things

The former sidebar is being retired/rennovated because I think it looks really ugly

Currently im trying to experiment with icons to replace the sidebar designs. the next major update will be focused on widgets

The websites design is Not Finshed and I will be revamping and adding more style to the page

The webpage now has BACKGROUNDS! these were drawn by the amazing SablingArt who you can find them HERE

The Website's MAIN PAGE is now mobile compatible (~^.^)~

Below is kinda like a to do list

Recent Updates

Last Major Update on 2/22/2024

Redid the site to be more than just text, images and a sidebar! the website has actual containers + more colors and backgrounds! Sorry about the long wait with this update, I got involved with another project so I didnt have much time to work here